Sunday, August 28, 2016

Skin Cancer and Osteoporosis: risk factors of getting it

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells that most often develops on skin that is exposed to the sun, although it can also occur on areas of skin that are not ordinarily exposed to sunlight. It begins in the epidermis. There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, depending on which type of cell in the epidermis is mutated.

How to know if I'm at risk of getting cancer? 

  • A lighter natural skin color.
  • Family history of skin cancer.
  • A personal history of skin cancer.
  • Exposure to the sun through work and play.
  • A history of sunburns, especially early in life.
  • A history of indoor tanning.
  • Skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun.
  • Blue or green eyes.
  • Blond or red hair.
  • Certain types and a large number of moles.

What happens if I get a tan?  

Ultraviolet (UV) rays come from the sun or froindoor tanning (using a tanning bed, booth, or sunlamp to get tan). When UV rays reach the skin’s inner layer, the skin makes more melanin. Melanin is the pigment that colors the skin. It moves toward the outer layers of the skin and becomes visible as a tan.
A tan does not indicate good health. A tan is a response to injury, because skin cells signal that they have been hurt by UV rays by producing more pigment.
People burn or tan depending on their skin type, the time of year, and how long they are exposed to UV rays. The six types of skin, based on how likely it is to tan or burn, are—
  1. Always burns, never tans, sensitive to UV exposure.
  2. Burns easily, tans minimally.
  3. Burns moderately, tans gradually to light brown.
  4. Burns minimally, always tans well to moderately brown.
  5. Rarely burns, tans profusely to dark.
  6. Never burns, deeply pigmented, least sensitive.
Although everyone’s skin can be damaged by UV exposure, people with skin types I and II are at the highest risk.
Resultado de imagen para three types of skin cancer
Resultado de imagen para three types of skin cancer

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